17 January 2010

L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague

L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
Finally. At long last I was able to hook with Lauren, from San Francisco, who is the proud winner of the Cycle Chic / Velorbis Climate Conference Gorgeousness Competition. Christmas and the holidays got in the way of the bike handover so we finally met up a few days ago on the harbour in Copenhagen.

In the photo above, Lauren and her Studine bicycle check each other out, ready to embark on a fruitful relationship.
L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
Lauren and I had a lovely chat as we walked about in the icy cold weather and took photographs on the harbour by the new Royal Theatre [Skuespilhuset] with her and new red Studine bicycle from bespoke Danish bikemaker Velorbis, who were kind enough to offer up a bicycle for the competition.

I learned that Lauren, whilst growing up in the States, discovered that she loved badminton and was good at it. Must be a lonely life as a badminton player in the States. Kind of like being an American gridiron football player in Denmark. You have to go where the game is played professionally if you wish to make a career out of it.

Badminton-wise, you have Asia and you have Denmark or the UK. Lauren ended up here and currently plays in the national leagues for Herlev Badminton Club. So she's figuring out life in Denmark and writes about it on her blog The Dansk Badminton Life.
L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
We had a brilliant time despite the cold. Lauren's outfit certainly signals her deep and complete understanding of Cycle Chic and the red Studine bicycle from Velorbis certainly looked extra good against the grey skies and white ice on the harbour. We agreed that the pannier bags were a bit out of place here in Denmark and that a basket was a necessity here in Copenhagen, but I could certainly tell that Lauren was thrilled about the new bicycle.
L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
Congratulations once again, Lauren! Great to meet you and I hope you enjoy your new bicycle. And I'll take you up on your offer for more photo shoots later in the year. Be warned! :-)

Check out Lauren's prize winning entry here.


the rider said...

Hot! Do you get shapely legs because you cycle, or do you cycle because you have got shapely legs? Nice pictures.

Savannah Burton said...

can i have that bike? booksbananas.blogspot.com

Dottie said...

Great pictures and interesting back-story. She and the Velorbis go together very well.

Anonymous said...


Mike_Michaud said...

I love riding in all types of weather I just with more people would consider using their bicycles to commute. great saddle bags by the way.

Astaga.com lifestyle on the net said...

I like that post...
Good Information.
Thankyou Verymuch

Astaga.com lifestyle on the net said...

Oh yeah please Visit My Blog

Anonymous said...

oh my god..this is so cool blog...I absolutely adore it...

Urbanplannercyclisthousebuilderetc... said...

What a proper winner...
Good on ya, Mikael ;-)

Great said...

cycling is a good exercise but i love running which is much better

Colville-Andersen said...

cycling isn't exercise. it's the way we get to work, the shops, the cinema, etc.

Maxine Horne said...

Red and green should never be seen?
Nonsense!! Fabulous boots dahling x

walking with music said...

Nice blog! It's cool that it spreads the joy of cycling, because I think it's the best sport/moving we can do.

Cameron Adams said...

What a deserving winner. Your top portrait rocks, as do her boots and gloves. Best wishes, Lauren!

Alina said...

Wow, I wished I looked that good on a bicycle.

den parser said...

She's so gorgeous while driving a bicycle.



wilbranz said...

Took me back to my boyhood when all I owned was a bicycle. Never rode in winter though. Thanks for the memories.

Christa said...

Golden Gate Bike.

Beautiful! Love the close up of her green shoe on the pedal.

Would love to see photos of her cycling around San Francisco.

tips and tricks said...

your photography is very beautiful, i'm really like it

shamoood said...

lovely journey..
amazing photography!!

congrats! for being "Blog of Note"

André said...

Nice shots and beautiful bike :)

Congrats Lauren!!

Tee said...

Absolutely stunning. Like hot sauce for the what the eyes see.

stacy said...

Beautiful photos. The red bike against the grey sky... the booties, the purple gloves...

Anonymous said...

I love the Basil saddlebag and have been craving the same one for over a year.

Lovely bike, BTW.

Yash... said...

That first pictures is awesome (the one where they're checking each other out)!

Beautiful colors, contrast, and framing.
