20 April 2008

The King's New Square etc

A fragment in time on The King's New Square in Copenhagen.
Whenever I see couples riding together in Copenhagen, I think of this quote:
"Love is not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction" Saint Exupery.
The King's New Square
Another simple bicycle moment on the King's New Square.


Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed that quote, so true!

Philippians said...

Wow I love your blog about bicycle chicks, it's a good way to stay in shape and help the environment. Over the Seattle, Washington most people drive. It's not quite fun. Most of the time I walk and take the bus, but having a bicycle doesn't hurt like the girls on your blog. It seems fun to ride around.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Bicycling is a really great way of staying fit!

Reno Rambler said...

It is becoming increasingly clear to me as I peruse your site that I need to come visit Copenhagen. Maybe I can get a job there teaching English. Sigh...ok, probably not.

Reno is slowly becoming a bicycling city but I fear we'll never be as chic.

Colville-Andersen said...

thanks for all your comments!

reonza_co. said...

i love it! a good topic.

please visit my site
