16 August 2013

Summer Games on Dronning Louises Bridge

We're a bit weird in Copenhagen. Some of our favourite spots to hang out include cemetery gardens like Assistans Kirkegaard where famous Danes are laid to bury in paradise. Then there's Dronning Louises Bridge connecting cosmopolitan Nørrebro to the city centre.

Bring some friends and beer, or friends with beer to hang out on the bridge and enjoy eyeing up other Danes as they cycle by. If you're lucky some random guy may turn up with a boombox on wheels...

Watch young people cycle by and better still, guess which Copenhagen district they're probably from. These lot...Nørrebro?

Elegant hair bun up high and sleek sporty look. Hmmm...Østerbro?

On trend with electric blue coursing through this look (even the bike!)...dare I say Frederiksberg?

Okay, okay. It's not a bike...but this guy deserves some credit for being able to skateboard and send SMS's to his mates simultaneously.

Again, getting around on eight wheels instead of two! Best way to 'walk' your dog if he's a bit faster than what you were expecting...

Okay this is turning out to be a terrible game. Damn I give up! But cool glasses bro...where are you heading?

Hmmm...I guess it's back to eye-spy then!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

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