8 March 2011

Winter Moments

In the Hood 2
The chill remains. We are ready for spring but winter isn't quite finished with us yet.
Have Guitar Will Cycle


analee said...

Pardon me for not following your blog in the past few days, I hope you still remember my name.(new website) As ever, You have a great ideas. Its better for them to have hoods while biking in winter time.

Clyde S. Dale said...

I can sympathize with the chilly riders; while I am on vacation this week (birthday week, work is no place to be!), I need to run a few errands, and will likely see a good twenty miles in the saddle today, windy and 40's F (about 8C). LAYERS!

Anonymous said...

Re ; First photo: Couldn't resist (/stop) wondering what's going on/about behind those beautiful and inscrutable double-eye-lid eyes! :D ;)

Paulo Rosa said...

Il est très chic photos. une accolade
Um abraço com amizade

Missy said...

I look up to those people because I could not ride in the cold. its to cold here in Jersey and NYC.


mountain bikes australia said...

It is officially summer over here in Australia. But the rain has not stopped so the weather is very cold. I can simply relate to these riders who ride braving the chill as that is what we do here these days.