2 October 2009

Boot Season

Boot Season #1
I hereby declare that the Copenhagen boot season has started.

And with that of course, goes the usual assortment of scarfs, hats and gloves.

Boot Season #2


Urbanplannercyclisthousebuilderetc... said...

So very very nice...
It is really amazing, that we are able to drive safely with these lovelies beside us on the cycle lanes :-)

Anonymous said...

Is that last girl Jackie Navarro?

Rob said...

Excellent! Love those first 2 shots.

Elodie said...

they are so chic :) copehagen is amazing. elodie

Slim Girl Diary

craig said...


Frank de Jol said...

Cool shots of chic girls on bikes.

Anonymous said...

Great boots. The season has almost arrived in Flagstaff and I can't wait to slip on my new Teva boots. Now I just need some boots with heels!