13 March 2011

Yoga Mats and Bicycles

Our good friend Noa over at New York Cycle Chic posted three photos of bicycle users carrying yoga mats yesterday. Which is cool. Which made us want to post the Copenhagen equivalent. So that's what we're doing. Yoga mats and bicycles. Sorry about the unlucky beltline on the last shot...
Yoga Later

Copenhagen Speed


A Good Moroccan said...

I'm sure yoga and bikes go together well.

Anonymous said...

The thong shot! So funny since I just assumed the peek-a-boo thong was a uniquely American fashion faux pas. Otherwise, she looks great though.

Paul Martin said...

It's called a 'whale tail' here... Not a great look :-/

Clyde S. Dale said...

I'm glad the thong look is becoming less 'fashionable'; it's really nasty on a 250-lb. black woman, for example....

My daughter is "blooming" (she's 13), and is outgrowing her jeans; she has one pair that she likes to wear with a 'rainbow' web belt. It fits so poorly that the belt looks like that thing shot. She's been told to retire the outfit.....

Clyde S. Dale said...

oops... "thong", not "thing"... damn fingers.....

analee said...

Carrying a yoga mats while biking is really cool.

Nice pics.

Mary said...

@Clyde S. Dale "it's really nasty on a 250-lb. black woman, for example...."

I believe in freedom of speech...but did you really had to say that??

Paulo Rosa said...

Cool nice short´s
Um abraço

MCarlos said...

Bueno, eso le ocurre a cualquiera... Todo sea por la bici... y el yoga.
Saludos desde Sevilla


Clyde S. Dale said...


Where I live, the main exhibitionists who sported the exposed thong look were one of three categories:

1.) young and somewhat slim white girls (17-25) who THOUGHT they were hot;

2.) young and somewhat slim black girls (same age group) who were hot, until they sported the look;

3.)LARGE black women who were a sexual legend in their own minds.

Inappropriately blunt for you? Perhaps; but I call 'em as I see 'em. No racism involved, my 2nd wife is mixed.

Anonymous said...

" clyde Quite racist and very sizist. I can assure you that a lot of those 250 lbs women are sexual legends in other minds than their own. You sir are a douche.

Anonymous said...

wow bella fra....