16 December 2010

J. Crew Cycle Chic

Thanks to Claire for sending up the link to this brilliant Cycle Chic photo from an American clothing company called J. Crew. Scotland Forever!


Kristin Tieche said...

J. Crew ya mean.

Very nice!

jb said...

Isn't that Wales? The flag looks like the Welsh Flag, only yellow.

Ted said...

It's on the bridge to Eilean Donan Castle, the most photographed castle in Scotland. And the flags show the lion on the royal coat of arms of Scotland.

Anonymous said...

I think it's just "J. Crew"....

Kim said...

Aye, Scotland Forever!

jb The flag is the Lion Rampant Bratach rìoghail na h-Alba (the Royal Standard of Scotland).

Scotland is slowly redeveloping a cycling culture and getting into the whole cycle chic thing...

l' homme au velo said...

Very nice Picture, A Royal Stewart Tartan in the Basket. It looks like a Pashly Bicycle.

david...no the other one! said...

wonderful picture for this time of year, a christmas present,as it were!

Anonymous said...

I'm a long-time fan of JCrew. I always feel smart and put together in JCrew and is, for me, the perfect bike uniform.

Ted said...

Scotland is not quite as flat as Copenhagen and a pre-WWII single-speed is probably not the most appropriate bike for this location, especially if you're a bit spindly-shanked. Instead, I'd recommend a Brompton, so you can catch a bus when the opportunity arises.