13 November 2010


Bresson 1968
Classic photograph from the hand of Henri Cartier-Bresson, taking in Paris, May 1968, during the society-changing demonstrations iniated by the students.


ttv said...

wow! is this really 1968? Or just it is only revised...

Colville-Andersen said...

it's really 1968

Anonymous said...

I'am pretty sure that it is a Velo-Solex, not a real bike.
Nice picture anyway !

kfg said...

For an American in Paris - on a bike, point of view of this scene; read Dan Behrman's wonderful The Man Who Loved Bicycles


philippe said...

Yes, looks like a Solex.

Robert Bresson was a film maker. This shot is probably from Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Colville-Andersen said...

you're right. my mistake. fixed. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sure isn't Any City, USA in 2010. If only . . . .

Dottie said...

I could look at his photographs for hours.

Kristin Tieche said...

Vive La France!