5 February 2010

Quintessential Copenhagen

Doesn't get much more Copenhagen than this.


Anonymous said...

Er det Malou Aamund?

Anonymous said...

Elegant and sweet smiling face.


Anonymous said...


Lauren Shakespeare said...

This really makes biking look so glamourous. I want one!

Anonymous said...

"Doesn't get much more Copenhagen than this."

You mean it has been raining ;-)

To be more serious, that is a gorgeous picture.

Yarnsnob said...

I wish we were as chic on our bicycles here in Chicago. Your blog inspires me!

spacemodular said...

I wish Chicago's infrastructure for biking was half as 'chic' as Copenhagen... Then we wouldn't feel the need to dress so scruffy!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

A beautiful capture of a beautiful woman.

Criteriamour said...
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Criteriamour said...

Why don't people wear helmets in Copenhagen? Is it not legally required there?

Unknown said...

Because it's safe and there aren't any statistics showing that North Americans are safer than europeans because we wear helmets more often.

Safety is all about good infrastructure and public education campaigns.

André said...

Chic Photo!

Colville-Andersen said...

helmets?! helmet wearing rates in the European union are about 5-10%. As for laws forcing people to wear them, there are so few places in the world that have such laws. they are the rare exception to the rule.

Anonymous said...

Who needs a helmet when you are a traffic stopper. She is really a vision of elegance. Love the red beret and the simple hairstyle. What a fashion and biking inspiration.

Sweetman said...

I don't just love this photo, I want to be her.
Great shot.

Joost Bonsen said...

Wow, check out that bicycle! Is that a Biomega?! Yes!