1 December 2009

Fragment of Clarity

The Sense of a Cyclist
Urban Cycling is transport. It's a quick and enjoyable way to get around your town. It's a transport form that requires a bicycle and the clothes in your closet.

But it can also be a wistful, fleeting glimpse of poetry. A fragment of clarity quicker than your breath catching in your throat. A longing for focus, detail and extending a magical moment. And then... zip... it's gone.


Cameron Adams said...

Lovely image of blur at its impressionistic best!

Unknown said...

In order to make motoring look sexy, they need a perfectly detailed car, a windy and impossibly clear closed course, a pro driver, and perfect weather/lighting.

You fellows make cycling look sexy without any retouching, set design, or other form of sexing-up.

Pragmatic, fun, stylish transport is within everyone's grasp. Gracias!

Kiwehtin said...

That's a really good observation, Andrew. I had never thought of it that way (even though I'm aware of how staged all the motor-prop is), but it's quite true. A bicycle is simply an extension of the natural grace of a human moving under their own power; an automobile is and always will be an alien object that requires massive staging and masquerading to appear good.

Anonymous said...

What a lucky combination of colors. Really, a dreamy photo.

Anonymous said...

What a lucky combination of colors. Really, a dreamy photo.

Jeff said...

Funny how many cold, rainy shots appear to come from Mikael's window. I thought the Danish were supposed to be hardy? ;)

Colville-Andersen said...

Oh we're hardy. And I work from home, so I can't help look out the window. :-)