3 March 2008

Guest Photo: Ferrara, Italia

P1420260.JPG, originally uploaded by urben.

Ferrara, Italy enjoys one of the highest rates of bike usage in Europe.

31% of the population ride their bikes each day, bucking the trend in the Mediterranen countries where cycling is usually something you watch on the telly during the Giro or the Tour.

Go, Ferrara, go. 'Urben' a Flickr user has a fine set dedicated to Ferrara - Ciudad de las Bicicletas


  1. Spring is coming! and one of the nicest spot to admire it will be in Via Zamboni*, BOLOGNA.

    I can't wait for the first sunny day when the termometer will hit 20°C!!!

    here a nice example:

    *heart of the University district.

  2. The light is marvellous!!
    Let me ask you one question: Why they never pose??

  3. great photo, kulbe! thanks for that!

    raquel... it's street photography! that's why!
