16 April 2011

Spoiled for Choice

Spring Sunshine 02
Some days you just can't choose. Some days everyone is splendidly gorgeous.
Spring Sunshine 08

Spring Sunshine 28

Spring Sunshine 04

Spring Sunshine 05

Spring Sunshine 39


hamburgize.com said...

What happened to the cycle counter there at Dronning Louises Bro?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone notice you taking the photo, or just recognise you for being a blogger and purposely give a big wave or anything else like that?

I notice most photos are much more natural - which is great, but I wondered if it's ever a problem getting the photos you want.

andys said...

Have you seen this?

The Owl Of Derision said...


I love this blog, and have been checking it regularly ever since I took up cycling again. I now cycle in London every day, and you have inspired me to write a blog post on the subject!


Mertxe Hernàndez said...

Copenhagen is really beautifull.


aronman said...

what happened to the counter?

Ole Kassow said...

The cyclist counter has been out of commission for a period, while the city has been working on widening the bike path, which is now, in fact wider the car lane :-) The counter should be back in operation this summer.